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sheep′s head soup
羊头汤  detail>>
big head disease of sheep
绵羊大头病  detail>>
big head in sheep
大头病 诺氏梭菌病  detail>>
chrysanthemum and fish head soup
绿菊鱼头汤  detail>>
fish head thick soup
鱼头浓汤  detail>>
fish head and bean curd soup
豆腐鱼头汤  detail>>
fish head soup with black beans
黑豆煲鱼头汤 苹果煲生鱼汤  detail>>
fish head soup with fresh mushrooms
鲜菌鱼头汤  detail>>
gastrodia tuber and fish head soup
天麻鱼头汤  detail>>
big fish head and bean curd soup
大鱼头豆腐汤  detail>>
mustard,salted egg and fish head soup
芥菜咸蛋鱼头汤  detail>>
 n.  〔sing., pl.〕 1.羊;绵羊。 2.羊皮(革)。 3.怯懦的人;羞怯的人;胆小鬼;蠢人。 4.〔戏谑语〕〔总称...  detail>>
in soup
氽. 汆... ..  detail>>
in the soup
在困境中  detail>>
 n.  1.(浓)汤。 2.浓汤般的东西;浓雾;硝化甘油;显影液。 3.【法律】〔英俚〕分配给资历较浅的律师承办的刑事案件。 4.〔美俚〕...  detail>>
a black sheep
败家仔 败家子, 败类, 害群之马 害群之马  detail>>
a breed of sheep
一种绵羊  detail>>
a flock of sheep
一群羊  detail>>